On the Road to....

These are photos from my recent trip to Wyoming. We flew to Denver to visit with friends. After a few days enjoying the company and the sites we rented a car and set off to Yellowstone. After we left Boulder, we made the Wyoming border and Laramie in less than 90 minutes. It was a significant rise in altitude but with liberal speed limits and a new american made car....

...Speed was great. As I drove Cathy read from the latest Harry Potter book and Eamon gazed out of the window. The vistas were the same as they were 14 years ago when I spent a week travelling across Wyoming one day. Maybe I have mature and grown up to appreciate nature or maybe I am just tired.
Eamon needs to spend more time away from the computer... he thought the view to the right was similar to Bryce 3D. WOW... nature imitating art!